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长安欧尚X7 PLUS,寒天轻松出行

寒冷的天气带来的最大的困扰One of the biggest problems with the cold weather is the difficulty of getting around.就是出行困难,不想在寒风中瑟瑟发抖,Rather than shiver in the cold,就赶紧来 Chang’an, a high-performance,一辆高性能智控大美SUV intelligent control big American SUV, ——长安欧尚X7 PLUS, has an all-around upgrade,产品力全面进阶,在 with the support of ONSTYLE3.0 + intelligent vehicle control system, 全场景OnStyle3.0+智控车机系统的加持下,以充满人性和温度的智能科技温暖身心,you can warm up your body 让你轻松and mind with intelligent technology full of humanity and temperature.应对寒天出行困扰。